Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Boys are back!…but not the way you would have thought!

    Image copyright Cartoon Network 2006 YES, YES, YES and YES! The Venture Bros. are Back!!! That’s right, the hilariously enigmatic show from Cartoon Network and the brains behind the Tick (Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer) is back on the air after an hiatus so long it was more grueling than a fight between Brock Samson…

  • boy, did I get it wrong..

    I posted here last week about the Appalachian Trail. Afterwards, my uncle sent me some books because it seems I embarrassed myself in talking about it. I read up on it, got my facts straight and here it is, the straight poop on the AT. Wikipedia says: “The Appalachian National Scenic Trail, generally known as…

  • So Long, William Johnston!

    So, I’m finishing up here at FSU, and one of my classes this final semester is wheel throwing. Pots, bowls, and a nice commission to throw a strawberry pot. Ok, so I don’t know if “throwing” is the correct way to make a strawberry pot, but that’s how I made mine. 60 pounds of clay,…

  • Civil War?!?

    Image copyright Marvel Comics 2006 Alright, today’s topic is Summer Comics Events Extravaganzas. Our Target: Marvel Comics “Civil War”. This “Event” is officially reaching it’s dirty revisionist claws into almost every title Marvel Comics publishes, either directly or indirectly via a monstrous ad campaign. This is the place to be this summer according to Marvel…

  • He’s All “Natural”…

    Last year, my younger brother, Matthew, left his home in NC and traveled by bus to Maine. Once there, he made his way to the top of Mt. Katahdin and formally began his journey along the Appalachian Trail. The Appalachian Trail is a series of trails and hiking paths formed over the last several centuries…

  • Facing Demons

    My grad show took a lot out of me. It was spiritually, mentally, and physically draining, and in the end I was left worried that I hadn’t quite pulled it off. I went to the museum today for the first time since the show opened, and you know what? Outside of some minor things, it…

  • Damn…

    …it feels good to be a gangsta thanks to Caroline for pic!

  • Other side of the edge…

    As you some of you may know, I have been preparing for my Grad Show at FSU. The show opened this past Friday, July 14th, 2006 at 7pm. I was very fortunate to show with some very talented and creative individuals all around. I was even more fortunate to be surrounded by family and friends…

  • Less than a week left…

    Like I didn’t have enough to do, I found myself attempting to correct and reprint our flyers and posters for our Grad Show which is now one week away… and of course nothing works in your favor…anyways, it’s done, and here it is, hope to see ya’ll out there!

  • Holy Schnikey’s! I’m Back!

    Hey, how have y’all been? Good to see you! It has really been a while hasn’t it? I can’t get over the fact that I’m here again. After a deplorable experience with the knuckle-draggers over at CompUSA, we are up and running, again. Special thanks to Michael Gerard as always for doing so much with…

Got any book recommendations?