Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Return to Work!

    The last couple of months have proven to be a lot tougher than I would have thought. Graduating from FSU, getting a “real” job, teaching part-time, moving, and everything else have really put a crimper on my creative output. For the past couple weeks though, I have made it a habit to sit down every…

  • Natural Quaker State

    My younger brother, Matthew (aka. Natural), has been hiking Southbound, Maine to Georgia on our Nation’s grand Appalachian Trail. Using calling cards he checks in periodically to let us know he’s alive. That, and the tree-bark content of his stools. He called from Duncannon, Pennsylvania last night to holla at his peeps, and give us…

  • I know what I want for Christmas…

    The more stuff changes, the more it stays the same, like, for instance, I still like cars that transform into robots…especially 1/24 scale, diecast, model cars that turn into ultra-cool robots- like this one…GT-40 to robot and back again…I’m such a kid.

  • Springer Mtn. Bound

    I’ve been quite busy lately, working, teaching, and generally living life- so my posts have been scarce and slim to say the least- sort of like my brother, Natural, who phoned my mother yesterday from the town of Salisbury, in Litchfield County, Connecticut. According to the Appalachian Trail Conference; my brother is now 688 miles…

  • I was born in the wrong time…

    Listening to NPR this morning, I found it ironic that on this day in 1960, John F. Kennedy, working towards a presidential election, said in a speech, “I do not speak for my church on public matters–and the church does not speak for me.” He was answering those critics who were alleging that the election…

  • Massachusetts, Natural-ly Speaking.

    My brother phoned me from the home of a gentleman in Dalton, Massachusetts, yesterday evening. Seems this man invites weary hikers to come in, shower, do laundry, call loved ones, have a home cooked meal and drink an ice-cold beer. Natural was in good spirits and told me of his experiences in the Presidential Range…

  • Natural Update!

    As of 12:00pm this afternoon, my brother “Natural” aka Matthew, had emerged from the White Mtns. National Park of New Hampshire, and arrived at a hostel in Glencliff, NH. This sprawling 777,608-acre forest, which extends from northern New Hampshire into western Maine, features 1,200 miles of hiking trails and 100,000 acres of wilderness. He was…

  • Frankly Speaking…

    Alright, my show is down. Michael Gerard and myself hauled it all off this week. Special Thanks to Wayne Vonada at the museum for his patience and help. And as always to Michael Gerard! Now, I feel I can start breaking this stuff down. This work started one night almost a year ago. I had…

  • Eerie…EYRIE ’97

    Amazing what you find when you “google” your own name, isn’t it? That being said, I was surprised to find an online reference to Tallahassee Community College’s Literary Publication,“The Eyrie” from 1997. One of my short stories had been submitted and selected for publication that year. I gave all my copies away to family members…

  • When it’s all worthwhile.

    I just pulled this monster out of the kiln for the last time. Talk about relief. The initial bisque firing of this strawberry pot revealed some shrink cracks at the bases of some of the cups. I paper-clayed it and refired it. The cracks improved. Then came glazing. Each firing made me anxious because that…

Got any book recommendations?