Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Vote “REVOLTING” by December 4th!

    Merriam-Webster, those fine people who brought you the dictionary are curious to find the one word that best summizes 2006. Nominations can be made at: http://www.merriam-webster.com/info/06words.htm The war, the evangelicals, Exxon-Mobil, the Bush admin, the Pope’s statements and everything else that has gone down this year has prompted me to nominate “REVOLTING” as my personal…

  • country roads…

    almost heaven, Appalachia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Little Pigeon River… Life is old there Older than the trees Younger than the mountains Growin like a breeze Country Roads, take me home, back to the place I belong, West-Carolina, Mountain momma, take me home, country roads… Appalachian 31- WCU-9 Go Mounties!

  • just goes to figure

    tryingtosleepneighorskeepslammingthefreakindoorswhatswrongwithpeople damntheireyes

  • It’s Like Rex Morgan and Mary Worth moved to Bloom County, only the women are prettier and there’s not so many pop-culture references…

    I’m talking about Liberty Meadows by Frank Cho, and yes, that IS how I would describe it in 25 words or less. Liberty Meadows started out as a syndicated strip in newspapers, but creative differences led Mr. Cho, or “Monkey Boy” as he refers to himself, to seek other publishing avenues. Namely, collections published monthly…

  • I finally admit to it…

    Throughout my life, I’ve gone back and forth on spectator sports…I like baseball (Cleveland Indians or whomever is beating the Braves), I hate basketball (college and professional, unless a team from outside of North Carolina makes it to the Final Four), and I seldom make an effort to keep up on Football. With one Exception.…

  • Natural Birthday Wishes!

    Today is the twenty-third birthday of my long-lost and wayward brother, Matthew, aka. Natural. He is on the Appalachian Trail somewhere south of Harpers Ferry, W. VA, and presumably headed southbound towards Springer Mountain, GA. I hope his day is filled with warm sun, cool winds and plenty of easy traveling! Happy Birthday, Matt!

  • More than meets the eyes…sort of.

    Been falling into that trap of searching for information on the upcoming Transformers Movie from Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg. I’m excited and curious but all I find online are doomsayers, I mean some of the stuff I hear is troubling…(COUGH)Bumblebee(koffkoff!)…but I’m hoping they were smart enough to take some clues from their predecessors (television…

  • I have seen the iPod, and it is GOOD!

    Today, as a bonus for my hard work, my boss bestowed upon me a brand new iPod Video. It is a beautiful thing. Sleek, elegant, well-designed, and FREE. Now I can join the millions of ear-bud sporting minions who traverse the surface of our orbital sphere daily, completely oblivious to the world around me, as…

  • Harper’s Ferry

    My brother, Matthew(aka. “Natural”), phoned last night, from Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, with an update of his progress on the Appalachian Trail. Last we heard of him he was in Duncannon, PA-which means he has hiked another 123.8 miles according to the “Classic Appalachian Trail Distance Calculator”. Wikipedia had this to say about Harper’s Ferry:…

  • Schulz knocked to #3 Spot amongst Deceased.

    For the past 5 or 6 years, Forbes has made it a tradition to score and publish the identities of dead celebrities based on the amounts of fiscal revenue that their respective estates earn. For the last 4 years Charles M. Schulz has ranked as the second largest earner amongst dead celebrities. This year he…

Got any book recommendations?