Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
We are the exceptions, and not the Rule.
According to a former professor of mine, there are two types of people, those that have kids, and those that don’t know shit. I, myself, fall into the former category. I am the father of an amazing and beautiful four-year-old little girl and she has brought more joy, success and happiness to me than any…
“I got a rock.”
As some of you have noticed, blogging hasn’t been at the top of my priorities of late. Holidays, family, and the usual daily grind have been occupying a lot of my time. As if all that weren’t enough, I also turned thirty this past weekend. So my “free time” has been filled with a lot…
took some doing…
After close to two months since moving into my new house, I finally have a decent workspace…finally.
I GLADLY contribute to the ruination of this country…
On my way to work this morning I stopped at a gas station. I filled my tank and went inside to pay. I grabbed a coke and headed for the cashier. Before she could ring me up I realized I wanted a pack of chewing gum and went back to the shelves to get one.…
Whatever happened to Hot Lunch?
Michael Gerard and myself have been working together for several years. We collaborate on lots of projects, but the one that brought us together was Hot Lunch. A comic about a lay-about trust-fund heir, who finds himself on a karma-induced journey to redemption, we managed to produce a couple of strips and a full-color first…
Tonight! 8PM! ESPN2! Top-Seeded and returning Division 1 Champion Appalachian State University Mountaineers will face off against No. 3 UMASS at Finley Stadium in Chattanooga, TN. Hi-Hi-y-ike-us Nobody like us, We are the mountaineers, mountaineers, mountaineers, Always a-winning, Always a-grinning, Always a-feeling fine You bet, hey! Let’s get TWO!
I just realized…
After re-reading my post on the Tarquin Engine, I came to a realization. My work on Hot Lunch along with fellow artist and collaborator, Michael Gerard, has carried me through many mediums as well as many techniques, both traditional and non- For starters, it was a hand drawn and inked series of 10″x10″ panels, we…
Salem Psalms: Yesterday’s Tomorrow
Amond Jackson, has been a friend and collaborator for a couple years now. His work ethic is unmatched by all but his own appetite for knowledge. He tinkers, he plays, he builds, engineers, and composes works-his studio is indicative of ingenious improvisation both technically and musically. He does all this and more on a daily…
Tarquin Engine?
There’s been plenty of arguments within the comic industry of late debating the merits of online publishing vs. traditional print/syndication. We live in a brave new world of publishing opportunities and avenues are open to independent creators wishing to deliver content to audiences in ways that traditional means have not been able to provide so…
le morte de Wile E. Coyote
I grew up on Warner Bros. Cartoons. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and of course, Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote were all well known names in my household. It was entertainment for three generations as there were many times my Grandfather, my Father and my brothers and I would sit and enjoy those timeless Looney Tunes…
Got any book recommendations?