Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Source of Inspiration?

    I’ve read a good bit of X-Men comics in my day, but I have to admit that I never once heard of this book before today. It seems that Wilmer Shiras’ 1953 novel, “Children of the Atom”, may have served as Stan Lee’s and Jack Kirby’s inspiration for what would one day become Marvel Comic’s…

  • Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous?

    Driving through campus this week, I saw an advertisement for a local sorority’s formal, billed as “The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”, I was a little bit repulsed, and considered calling the sorority to complain on the tastelessness of it. I have nothing personal against fraternities and sororities, or their right to host formal…

  • Bolt City is where I want to live…

    I was turned on to the work of Kazu Kibuishi a couple of months ago, and have been checking his blog often, ever since. He is the talented creator of titles such as Copper, Daisy Kutter and much, much more! Check him out as this man is up and coming! Ohhh, he also draws cool…

  • Oh, Enron, we but barely knew ye…

    so I’m sitting at lunch today, and I end up sitting next to some business types, and man are they heated because supposedly, from what I overheard, they submitted their figures to their superiors within their corporate offices and had them returned by the men in the ivory towers because “the numbers aren’t right”. From…

  • Who’s got time for all this blogging?!?

    I’ve been blogging for close to a month now, and before that I was spending time reading other blogs, and basically, who has time for this? This stuff is addictive, and time consuming and I just can’t figure out how people blog, read other blogs and still find time to do everything else, and still…

  • Hot Lunch, Anyone?

    Been at it again with Michael Gerard as we gear up on production of Hot Lunch #2. Got a script, and a whole bunch of thumbnails, didn’t realize how many characters we were introducing with this one, so I sat down one day and started drawing, some faces should be familiar, some not so much,…

  • 24 Hours and more…

    Just got done with the first ever, FSU 24 Hour Comics Challenge, hoo boy! Been working about the last four months or so at organizing this event for the Art Students League here at Florida State University. The Challenge: Create 24 pages of comics (graphic narrative, illustrated story, sequential storytelling) in 24 hours. The Park…

  • I yam sofa king we todd edd!

    I yam sofa king we todd edd! Heard this for the first time in years just recently, and I still haven’t gotten over the childish and immature humor of it. I just love this statement. Who was the sick bastard who dreamt this up? I realize that it is not rocket science nor a Shakespearian…

  • Toner Transfer Update-2006!

    Etching Instructions using Press’n Peel Blue Toner Transfer Method ! UPDATED APRIL 2006 Items below in bold were updated to reflect new techniques developed since this article was originally published in January 2006. Special thanks to Matt Jones and Professor Robert Fichter for the additional research! Toner Transfer Instructional Video Download AVI (10.6 MB) Download…

  • so, put another log on the fire…

    so, put another log on the fire… as if there wasn’t enough to do in a day, I have to go out and find more.. hey, here’s an idea, let’s take all of our scientists and physicists and whoelse and whatnot and put them all to work on a way to make the day longer,…

Got any book recommendations?