Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Liftoff! Flight 3 Preview at CBR!

    I like comics, I like any combination of art fused with stories, I like the ways that different artists come up with to do the same thing different ways, I like repetition and variation. With that said, I like Flight! Flight is a graphic novel anthology collection of some of the best and brightest within…

  • 24 Hour Comics Competitors Stats!

    Our jurors have all checked in and judging has officially begun, Jurors were asked to select their favorites based on the categories “Most Creative”, “Most Fun”, and “Most Overall”. In the mean time, some statistical information: Competitor#1 Michael McCants Title-The Solutions Time Spent-24 hours Statement-Archetypical superhero story perpetuating and perpetrating a new mythology. Competitor#2 Kris…

  • Awards Announcement

    Back in January we applied and submitted the first issue of our comic “Hot Lunch” to the Xeric Foundation in New England. The Xeric Foundation, Set up by Peter Laird of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” Fame, gives self-publishing grants to aspiring comic book artists and writers. We received our letter that regretted to inform us……

  • Well, Lemme tell you I was surprised….

    The Associated Press reported the following findings from a new study on driving, For more than a year, researchers studied the behavior of the drivers of 100 vehicles in metropolitan Washington, D.C. They tracked 241 drivers, who were involved in 82 crashes of various degrees of seriousness — 15 were reported to police — and…

  • Far from over

    Well, the semester is winding down and I feel completely worthless. I hustled and worked on projects this semester that I personally believed in, and was met time and again (3 for 3, actually) with failure and disappointment, and I had a major personal disappointment a couple of months back, to boot. The older I…

  • 24 Hour Comics Update!!!

    Took me long enough, but as of today I am through scanning in all the work generated at the FSU 24 Hour Comics Challenge. I forwarded copies to our three illustrious Jurors (FSU Professor Emeritus Robert W. Fichter, Professor Paul Rutkovsky, and Professor Janae Easton), and hopefully we’ll have some feedback soon. Jurors were asked…

  • Batman: Freedom Fighter?!?

    Anyone read Frank Miller? He’s worked in comics for decades, now. Wrote a Batman story that Tim Burton used as the basis for his film “Batman”. He came back to Batman a couple of years ago, writing a sequel to his long and often praised “Batman, The Dark Knight Returns” called “Batman, The Dark Knight…

  • Piracy?…hmmm

    I like to watch movies, and I like DVD’s a lot, but…I don’t know, I don’t think that there is enough being done to discourage piracy. For instance: On two separate occasions, I have purchased DVD’s from Wal-Mart (Once within the last week) taken them home, broke that o’so ever precious seal and attempted to…

  • sometimes I want to scream my fool-haid, off!

    Traffic in Tallahassee, Stinks! This is, by far, the greatest understatement in the history of understatements! Traffic is downright deplorable and despisable in this town. Yesterday, at the intersection of Meridian and Tennessee St., two cars oncoming cars failed to yield to the right of way and without benefit of a turn signal turned in…

  • Har de har har!

    So my partner in crime and fellow collaborator Mike Gerard has been keeping tabs on number of posts and and other such stats between us and a bunch of our contemporaries lately, kind of a “Pissing Contest” of sorts. This post will officially bump this blog to 3 pages. Nyah, Nyah, Nyah-Nyah, Mike!

Got any book recommendations?