Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Grad Show Progress Report

    Okay, so I’m still trudging, as of now, I have 7, 4×4, and the 8×4 started, laid in to various degrees. Didn’t expect my compositions to work so well in color, sort of happy accident in some places not all, excuse the crappy slides, have realized that I am not superman as I had previously…

  • Scary.

    I googled my name recently, and this was the first search result, an article in Royal Magazine, which is produced by the TripleWide Design Collective. It seems that an interview with a dateline the same as my birthday, was taken with an artist/designer that shares my name. Also in the search results; a soccer player,…

  • Grad Show Cometh…Part 2

    In my last post on this subject I talked about my basic ideas, introduced my principle characters, displayed test work and talked about final presentation. Of the the ideas I came up with I worked more on the third one, which is basically the oversized comic narrative in shambles amid a “warzone” , with the…

  • Nature Inspires, Science Delivers!

    Discovery Channel Online reported a breakthrough in a 3-D “compound-eye inspired” photo lens. Designed and created at UCLA Berkeley, its creators say it was inspired by the compound eyes of every-day, garden variety insects and they feel confident that it will be available within several years in devices like cell phones and security cameras. Human…

  • If you can dream?

    Spent two days last week, at Walt Disney World Resorts, with my daughter. It’s been close to twenty years since the last time I went, and it was slightly disappointing. Officially, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, and the Sky Cups are no more. Other rides, like the Dumbo ride and…

  • ennui sucks.



    That’s right friends and neighbors, and true believers alike, there is still one final bastion of charity and goodwill left amongst those who peddle completely useless pop cultural items, that’s right, if you’re too stinking blind to read the sign above, than foo on you! More comics for me. Saturday is the national “Free Comic…

  • “i guess i have too much free time spent on myspace—what do you think of my music? it’s just a bunch of techno $#!+….my mother learned it from watching you!!!!!!”

    The AudioStylist said that, one haggard and bleeding night long ago and as much as I know his mandibles were frozen in terror and that his bowels were torn asunder by the immediacy of evacuation I think he was just about as right about it then as he is now. You gotta be honest with…

  • Grad Show Cometh…

    Currently, I am (amongst other things) working towards my graduation this fall from Florida State University’s Bachelor of Fine Arts Program. Part of this entails me exhibiting within the Museum of Fine Arts on Campus. Here is my working progress, so far: Idea My idea was to tell an oversize narrative about an astronaut who…

  • Kirkman Kicks @$$!

    Robert Kirkman is a comic writer and artist who’s popularity has shot into the stratosphere. Writing books like “Battle Pope”, “The Walking Dead”, “Invincible”, and “Marvel Zombies”, he’s got his mitts in quite a few genre’s. If you don’t know him or his work, it’s fine time you did. Buy something by him and support…

Got any book recommendations?