Get Your Draw On!

Pulled this little gem off Other End of the Tube’s Vox Populi message board. It should be a good time, so if you’re around on March 24, why not head down to the Park Avenue Diner.

Heads up, Comix Heads!

Florida State University’s Art Students League is hosting it’s first ever “24 Hour Comics Challenge” at the Park Avenue Diner on campus.

Event is Thursday, March 23 from 6pm to Friday, March 24 at 7pm-Contestants are advised this is a marathon event!

“Understanding Comics” author Scott McCloud posited that averaging 1 page per hour, an artist should be able to produce a comic in 24 hours. Results of this challenge have been varied and many. The challenge is to create 24 pages of comic narrative (any styles, mediums, or genres accepted,Digital work also accepted.) in 24 hours. The trick comes in that this is an exercise in spontaneity, no pre-work can be done before the event begins. You can only think up your ideas and gather your materials. Minimum supplies will be available (paper, pencils) so you might just follow the boy-scout credo and BE PREPARED! Lights, rulers, markers, erasers, sharpeners, pillows, toothbrush, deodorant, whatever you might need, bring it! Contestants should plan to work at a size relative to 10 3/8″ x 15 3/4″ for reproduction purposes. All work will be collected and published in a black and white volume by the Art Students League for distribution on campus and elsewhere. Proceeds to go to the Shelter on Tennessee St. Jurors will read and select the three best works out of the completed submissions, Inquiries can be made to Formal rules and regulations and posters like the one attached are available if you’re interested in spreading the word.

Contestants will be occupying a section of the Park Avenue Diner for close to 25 hours. A 10 dollar fee for students/20 for non-students is required to pay for snacks, but contestants should be prepared to buy anything extra that they wish to consume. Park Avenue Diner has agreed to close a section off expressly for this event. Late Registration begins Thursday at 6:00 pm, contestants can begin as soon as they have checked in and set up. Pencils down at 7pm on Friday. See you there!

Originally posted at Vox Populi.






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