
I like to watch movies, and I like DVD’s a lot, but…I don’t know, I don’t think that there is enough being done to discourage piracy.

For instance: On two separate occasions, I have purchased DVD’s from Wal-Mart (Once within the last week) taken them home, broke that o’so ever precious seal and attempted to watch my movies. Both times now there has been an issue with the DVD. Didn’t play right, tracking was off, this last one for some reason couldn’t be recognized by my DVD player at all. So, I take the product back to Wal-Mart, attempt a refund, explain that I have bought defective product.
“NO, NO, you opened the package, you can’t return it!” is Wal-Mart’s official response. “You could have burned it to your computer !”
So, now I’m out close to Forty bucks on two worthless DVD’s! You can bet your sweet ass on one thing, I’m not buying anymore DVD’s. What is the point in buying them if you run the risk of purchasing defective product without the safety net of being able to get your money back?
Wal-Mart’s suggestion was that I contact the manufacturer.

Yeah….there’s an option.

I say, “Go Pirates!” What the hell has Tom Cruise ever done that garner’s him the money he makes? He “acts” well? Whatever!

The problem with movies is the same problem with music, you have the creators and you have the money men. The creators put their heart and soul into their work, the money men market it, sell it, and make it a household name, and then when it’s time to pay up, the money men “ahem” say that in spite of record sales, the creator lost money due to piracy and the like and as a result they had to deduct that loss from the creator’s share.

Wanna Taste? Check out the book “Fatal Subtraction: The Inside Story of Buchwald V. Paramount” for an idea of how corporate accounting practices within the entertainment industry work.

ooops, gotta go, my copy of X3 just got done downloading! Look for plot synopses and criticisms to post here tomorrow! Pics, Too!!!






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