sometimes I want to scream my fool-haid, off!

Traffic in Tallahassee, Stinks!

This is, by far, the greatest understatement in the history of understatements! Traffic is downright deplorable and despisable in this town. Yesterday, at the intersection of Meridian and Tennessee St., two cars oncoming cars failed to yield to the right of way and without benefit of a turn signal turned in front of me-bastard style, and the SUV to my left which I thought was turning left, cut me off to go straight!!! When I blew my horn at all of them, they flipped me off like I was at fault or something????

Five minutes later, I’m approaching a yellow light at the corner of Duval and College, and some 60 year old woman breaks a double yellow line to swerve around me and cut me off just so she could jockey to a space in front of me at the light. (She was driving a black volvo/ tag # V05 TXL).

I’ve lived here close to ten years, I know traffic is bad, but never has it crossed my mind to attempt stunts like this. Are these people insane? Is it so crucial to get someplace that you find yourself forced to drive recklessly? Jeez, man, I give up….Now I know why they say “Hell is other people!”






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