Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous?

Driving through campus this week, I saw an advertisement for a local sorority’s formal, billed as “The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”, I was a little bit repulsed, and considered calling the sorority to complain on the tastelessness of it. I have nothing personal against fraternities and sororities, or their right to host formal events, but I’ve never been one to feel the need to pay money so I can join some exclusionary group. I can be exclusionary all I want for free, right?

My experience has been that the people who do join these organizations, usually have money(at least their parents do, anyways). This wall painting struck me as a flaunting of sorts. “We’re exclusionary, and we have money, and you don’t so you can’t participate!” I recognize that it wasn’t intentional, just a little brainless and insensitive.

Anyways, I forgot about it, there’s too many other things that take importance for me, and went on with my business. Fast-forward to Friday when I’m on my way to the opening of the Graduating Artist’s Show at FSU’s Museum of Fine Arts, and I notice that someone came along and poured gray paint all over it, subsequently obscuring the notice.

For the Record: I DID NOT DO THIS!

But, I found it funny that it irritated someone else far more than I, to the point that they took direct action because of it. Funny how things work out, huh.






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