Schulz knocked to #3 Spot amongst Deceased.

For the past 5 or 6 years, Forbes has made it a tradition to score and publish the identities of dead celebrities based on the amounts of fiscal revenue that their respective estates earn. For the last 4 years Charles M. Schulz has ranked as the second largest earner amongst dead celebrities. This year he was bumped to the number three spot by Elvis Pressley after recent publishing options pushed former Nirvana frontman, Kurt Kobain, to the top of the list.

An artist unlike any other, Schulz’ quiet genius, deft caricaturing, and honest work ethic (he never took a vacation), gave birth to some of the most iconic and endearing characters of the last fifty years. He was one of my earliest influences and his example is, to me, the pinnacle of career artistry. Forbes can say it, yes, it may be true, but his life and work were about so much more than that.

I could say more, but my words wouldn’t do him honor.






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