so, put another log on the fire…

so, put another log on the fire…
as if there wasn’t enough to do in a day, I have to go out and find more..

hey, here’s an idea, let’s take all of our scientists and physicists and whoelse and whatnot and put them all to work on a way to make the day longer, a way to stretch the commonly respected boundaries of time and space to allow for me to have anywhere between a 36 and 48 hour day, everyday. 7 days a week.

You might say, “Gee, shaun, but doin’ speed will get you the same result…”

not my thing.

Work is progressing, which is good.

Work is being offered, das ist good, too.

Problem, nothing gets completed.

It’s almost to the point where I can’t complete anything, and the progress becomes miniscule. Y’know, similar to attempting to fill in the grand canyon by yourself using only peanuts. This is the rate of progress on my work as I have been perceiving it. It’s extremely frustrating, and yet I keep getting great offers to collaborate on unbelievable projects, I dare not say no, yet I’m spread so thin already, that I can’t offer a whole lot to begin with… it isn’t going to get easier, is it? Probably not.

Do I give up? Most certainly not!

Alright! Suggested Reading-

“Justice” by Alex Ross. Even if you aren’t into superheroes or their conventions, this guy’s art is too sweet to be dismissed as only “comic art”. Published by DC Comics.

“The Comics Journal” #271. This issue’s comics section is devoted to the work of Elzie Segar, otherwise known as the Creator of “Popeye, the Sailor”. Those of you who are of the spinach eating persuasion, and who think the genesis of the crusty seaman was the animated cartoon need to check this out. Large gallery of Segar’s daily “Thimble Theatre” strips, with introduction by Bill Blackbeard. Published by Fantagraphics Books.






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