boy, did I get it wrong..

I posted here last week about the Appalachian Trail. Afterwards, my uncle sent me some books because it seems I embarrassed myself in talking about it. I read up on it, got my facts straight and here it is, the straight poop on the AT.

Wikipedia says:

“The Appalachian National Scenic Trail, generally known as the Appalachian Trail or simply The A.T., is a 2,174 mile (3500 km) marked hiking trail in the eastern United States, extending between Springer Mountain in Georgia and Mount Katahdin in Maine. Along the way, the trail also passes through the states of North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire.”

As far as the History of it?

It seems one man, Benton MacKaye, posited the idea of a “grand trail from Maine to Georgia” in 1921, in an Architectural magazine. The trail was completed in 1937. Turns out the Appalachian Trail was the result of the largest volunteer effort in America in the Twentieth Century! In 1968, our government made it part of the National Park Service through the National Trails System Act. Lyndon B. Johnson himself signed it into law. Guess he did something worthwhile as president, afterall.

And, as for Natural’s Progress? He was in Gorham, New Hampshire (MEGA/SOBO) on August 1st.

Natural in Maine







One response to “boy, did I get it wrong..”

  1. Dennis Roberts Avatar
    Dennis Roberts

    He is the man…All the people here at BOSCH send their best to Matt. Hope all is well and he stays alive.
    Love,Dad and Mom

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