He’s All “Natural”…

Last year, my younger brother, Matthew, left his home in NC and traveled by bus to Maine. Once there, he made his way to the top of Mt. Katahdin and formally began his journey along the Appalachian Trail.
The Appalachian Trail is a series of trails and hiking paths formed over the last several centuries by Native Americans, Furriers, pioneers, and etc, which extends from Maine to Georgia. Typically, it takes about 4-6 months to travel the entire length by foot. My brother was underway as of early June last year and made it as far as Andover, Maine, where he was offered room and board as a winter caretaker of the oldest standing residence there. He weathered the winter without harm or frostbite and now today, it seems, he is setting out once again. It is common for people on “the trail” to adopt a “trail name” as part of the experience and my brother is no exception. His name is “Natural” and armed only with his meager camp supplies and Emergency Whistle, he is underway, making his way towards Georgia.
I’m excited for him and I wish him luck and Godspeed as he hikes south. I have never been so simultaneously envious and proud of anyone in my life. Go Natural!







One response to “He’s All “Natural”…”

  1. […] I posted here last week about the Appalachian Trail. Afterwards my uncle sent me some books because it seems I embarrassed myself in talking about it. I read up on it, got my facts straight and here it is, the straight poop on the AT. […]

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