“i guess i have too much free time spent on myspace—what do you think of my music? it’s just a bunch of techno $#!+….my mother learned it from watching you!!!!!!”

The AudioStylist said that, one haggard and bleeding night long ago and as much as I know his mandibles were frozen in terror and that his bowels were torn asunder by the immediacy of evacuation I think he was just about as right about it then as he is now. You gotta be honest with yourself at times in your life, make up whatever lies and dreams that help you sleep at night all you want, you can’t escape the reality of the situation. Truth never sleeps! I could try to obscure the facts! Oh, Sure, just unplug, pull out and disappear. what about those people that have come to depend on your smiling face daily? How about the amount that you’ve upsold this particular little sin?

You’re right. It’s all over. Now is as good a time as any to come clean about something, something I’ve been trying to tell people for a while now. It is not popular to talk about publicly, nor is it regarded in high-esteem by the general population. It’s been my dark, little secret for a while now…..are you ready? …I’m…. a…… myspacer!

Hey, Mike? Slainté!






One response to ““i guess i have too much free time spent on myspace—what do you think of my music? it’s just a bunch of techno $#!+….my mother learned it from watching you!!!!!!””

  1. AJ Avatar

    Hi everybody. My name is Amond….whelp…and I too am a myspacer.

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