24 Hours and more…

Just got done with the first ever, FSU 24 Hour Comics Challenge, hoo boy! Been working about the last four months or so at organizing this event for the Art Students League here at Florida State University.
The Challenge: Create 24 pages of comics (graphic narrative, illustrated story, sequential storytelling) in 24 hours.
The Park Avenue Diner on FSU’s campus hosted this event, and they did a tremendous job. Our participants were catered to by some outstanding people, and the Diner also dedicated 25% of their restaurant to us for use as our workspace!
Contestants were waiting for check-in when I arrived at 6pm. At 6:30pm I had registered fifteen official contestants. Of that number 13 showed up before seven.

At 7pm, we were all off and running, stressing, straining over our ideas. Some, like Jodi Chapman, tackled art first and allowed her story to develop secondary to it. Other’s like myself had to grunt to produce even the most fragmented of works.
The hours came, the hours went, we were approached by diners who wanted to know what we were doing. Our servers, (Alex, Teddy, and Hillston!) were all intrigued and kept the coffee going, the snacks coming, and encouragement plenty.
I was attempting a second consecutive night without sleep and as a result, fell hard around 4am. When I woke again, it was 7am and people were still there working. We lost a few in the night, but in the end 10 creators handed in 240 pages of comics collectively.

Now, comes the fun part. I get to take all of these works and scan them in with an oversize scanner, and collate and prepare a collection for distribution! The good news is that it’s all worthwhile! The collected submissions from the event will be sold and all proceeds will go to a charity to be named by the Art Students League.
To those of you who participated in the event, Congratulations! You all deserve it for a job well done! Enjoy the pics!

View the 24 Hour Movie here.






5 responses to “24 Hours and more…”

  1. […] We’ve got an initial write-up here on the just-completed Floride State U. 24 hour comics event. In a diner! With waitstaff bringing them food! That’s the way to do it. It sounds like a good bit of organization, and I hope they’re sufficiently recovered to do it again on 24 Hour Comics Day 2006. Read all posts from 24 Hour Comics Day Central | RSS feed […]

  2. Tadj Dragoo Avatar


    To you and every one that helped organize this event, applause. You put in a lot of time and effort, and made the first FSU 24 comics day a wonderful success. I had fun, and learned a lot, (and got very tired). You wouldn’t think that something like this could be as rewarding as it was. I feel a real sense of accomplishment. Thanks again!
    Can’t wait to see the entire collection! Tadj

  3. RWF Avatar

    Now on to the 48 hours phase!

  4. Michael McCants Avatar
    Michael McCants

    Yeah, that was a rough 24 hours. It hurt to hold a fork afterwards, but it was a lot of fun. Hope everyone’s work came out ok.

  5. […] A couple of weeks ago I reprinted a post announcing the FSU ASL’s 24-hour Comics Event… Well, it has come and gone, but don’t despair if you missed it… You can find out how it all went down and check out the pictures on event organizer SJ Robert’s blog. […]

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