Harper’s Ferry

My brother, Matthew(aka. “Natural”), phoned last night, from Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, with an update of his progress on the Appalachian Trail.

Last we heard of him he was in Duncannon, PA-which means he has hiked another 123.8 miles according to the “Classic Appalachian Trail Distance Calculator”.

Wikipedia had this to say about Harper’s Ferry:

Harpers Ferry is a town in Jefferson County, West Virginia, situated on the banks of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers where the U.S. states of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia meet. The town is surrounded by mountains and is at the bottom of a ravine created by the two rivers. The town is best known historically for John Brown’s raid on the Armory in 1859. The town was still in Virginia at the time of the raid. The population was 307 at the 2000 census.

Harpers Ferry is located within Harpers Ferry National Historical Park

Harpers Ferry is also one of the few towns through which the Appalachian Trail directly passes.

He was calling from the hotel room of a fellow “thru-hiker” where he was planning on staying the night. His spirits remain high and our excitement grows as he nears Springer Mountain, GA, some 1009.5 miles away. For the record, he has officially made it half-way. Much farther than any of us ever anticipated!






2 responses to “Harper’s Ferry”

  1. Bandaloop Avatar

    I have been hiking with this so called brother of yours for some time now and I just happened to come across this libel in which you have portrayed him. First and foremost his name is Mr. Natural, and secondly what kind of brother would believe that his efforts to even traverse the trail to the halfway point would prove fruitless. I think I shall let him know what kind of support you really show, for example: this half-a$$ed synopsis of a family member you so eagerly want the public to know that you care for. Get your head out of your rectal cavity you poor excuse for a sibling to the master.

  2. sj Avatar

    Wow, you certainly told me, didn’t you? Takes a lot of chutzpah to accuse someone of being a libelous exploitationist in a comment on a website! You don’t know me- you don’t know my family! Don’t think for an instant that because you “been hiking” with MY BROTHER for “some time now” that gives you any right to judge me or the way I choose to talk about my family. GET BENT you miserable little halfwit! The only part of your comment that had any truth in it is , YES, I AM sibling to the MASTER! You can’t even make that claim! If I was worried about my brother finding out what I think about him, I definitely wouldn’t have posted at length about him, now would I have?

    Oh, and if you feel so strongly about this, why didn’t you leave a real email address? Putz!

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