Natural Quaker State

My younger brother, Matthew (aka. Natural), has been hiking Southbound, Maine to Georgia on our Nation’s grand Appalachian Trail. Using calling cards he checks in periodically to let us know he’s alive. That, and the tree-bark content of his stools. He called from Duncannon, Pennsylvania last night to holla at his peeps, and give us a long overdue update on his trek on the AT.

According to the “Classic Appalachian Trail Distance Calculator” my brother and his trail buddies have covered 352.2 miles in the last month, averaging between 10 and 15 miles per day!! They were a scant 80 miles from the Pennsylvania/Maryland Border. and only 1133.3 miles from their journeys end at Springer Mountain, GA. That’s 1041.3 miles hiked so far!

According to Wikipedia “Pennsylvania has been known as the Quaker State since 1776; prior to that, it was known as the Quaker Province, in recognition of Quaker William Penn’s First Frame of Government constitution for Pennsylvania that guaranteed liberty of conscience. Penn knew of the hostility Quakers faced when they opposed rituals, oaths, violence, and ostentatious frippery.” (For the record…in todays language, “ostentatious” and “frippery” are almost synonyms- Think Bling, Bling! ya’ll!)

Duncannon is located at 40°23′38″N, 77°1′44″W .

We were thrilled to hear from Matt, and wished him well, but at his current rate his projected finishing time is somewhere Mid-January. Well-into-winter. He assured us that the most challenging part is behind him and his going should be faster from this point forward. We are all hoping so.

In contrast- The current speed record is 47 days, 13 hours, 31 minutes, set by southbounder Andrew Thompson in 2005. Don’t ask me how, since the math tells me he was averaging 46.26 miles a day, I would think it inhumanly possible!






One response to “Natural Quaker State”

  1. Dennis Roberts Avatar
    Dennis Roberts

    It would be neat if all the brothers and their Dad could one day have some good fortune in their lives, enough to allow the five of them to do the AT together. I catch myself at times day-dreaming about the missed opportunities I didn’t take advantage of with my own Father. The few times we did get together alone, for a weekend fishing trip, a work job, building my dream home, those memories will be with me forever. I always fault myself for never taking the time, and blame my Dad some, for him not allowing the time in his life, for us to know each other in a complete sense. I am also aware of the missed chances I have had with my sons that I haven’t taken advantage of. There is no “GOOD” excuse at all, just the shame of looking at myself in the mirror and the wrong choices I made. I do want to do it ” IN the Living Years”. I owe it to them….and to myself,and maybe it would help erase some of the guilt I carry with me about my own Dad.

    Dennis “Svenis” Roberts

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