Category: Natural Progress

  • Natural Birthday Wishes!

    Today is the twenty-third birthday of my long-lost and wayward brother, Matthew, aka. Natural. He is on the Appalachian Trail somewhere south of Harpers Ferry, W. VA, and presumably headed southbound towards Springer Mountain, GA. I hope his day is filled with warm sun, cool winds and plenty of easy traveling! Happy Birthday, Matt!

  • Harper’s Ferry

    My brother, Matthew(aka. “Natural”), phoned last night, from Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, with an update of his progress on the Appalachian Trail. Last we heard of him he was in Duncannon, PA-which means he has hiked another 123.8 miles according to the “Classic Appalachian Trail Distance Calculator”. Wikipedia had this to say about Harper’s Ferry:…

  • Natural Quaker State

    My younger brother, Matthew (aka. Natural), has been hiking Southbound, Maine to Georgia on our Nation’s grand Appalachian Trail. Using calling cards he checks in periodically to let us know he’s alive. That, and the tree-bark content of his stools. He called from Duncannon, Pennsylvania last night to holla at his peeps, and give us…

  • Springer Mtn. Bound

    I’ve been quite busy lately, working, teaching, and generally living life- so my posts have been scarce and slim to say the least- sort of like my brother, Natural, who phoned my mother yesterday from the town of Salisbury, in Litchfield County, Connecticut. According to the Appalachian Trail Conference; my brother is now 688 miles…

  • Massachusetts, Natural-ly Speaking.

    My brother phoned me from the home of a gentleman in Dalton, Massachusetts, yesterday evening. Seems this man invites weary hikers to come in, shower, do laundry, call loved ones, have a home cooked meal and drink an ice-cold beer. Natural was in good spirits and told me of his experiences in the Presidential Range…

  • Natural Update!

    As of 12:00pm this afternoon, my brother “Natural” aka Matthew, had emerged from the White Mtns. National Park of New Hampshire, and arrived at a hostel in Glencliff, NH. This sprawling 777,608-acre forest, which extends from northern New Hampshire into western Maine, features 1,200 miles of hiking trails and 100,000 acres of wilderness. He was…

  • boy, did I get it wrong..

    I posted here last week about the Appalachian Trail. Afterwards, my uncle sent me some books because it seems I embarrassed myself in talking about it. I read up on it, got my facts straight and here it is, the straight poop on the AT. Wikipedia says: “The Appalachian National Scenic Trail, generally known as…

  • He’s All “Natural”…

    Last year, my younger brother, Matthew, left his home in NC and traveled by bus to Maine. Once there, he made his way to the top of Mt. Katahdin and formally began his journey along the Appalachian Trail. The Appalachian Trail is a series of trails and hiking paths formed over the last several centuries…