Category: Aestheticismo…

  • Tarquin Engine?

    There’s been plenty of arguments within the comic industry of late debating the merits of online publishing vs. traditional print/syndication. We live in a brave new world of publishing opportunities and avenues are open to independent creators wishing to deliver content to audiences in ways that traditional means have not been able to provide so…

  • le morte de Wile E. Coyote

    I grew up on Warner Bros. Cartoons. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and of course, Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote were all well known names in my household. It was entertainment for three generations as there were many times my Grandfather, my Father and my brothers and I would sit and enjoy those timeless Looney Tunes…

  • It’s Like Rex Morgan and Mary Worth moved to Bloom County, only the women are prettier and there’s not so many pop-culture references…

    I’m talking about Liberty Meadows by Frank Cho, and yes, that IS how I would describe it in 25 words or less. Liberty Meadows started out as a syndicated strip in newspapers, but creative differences led Mr. Cho, or “Monkey Boy” as he refers to himself, to seek other publishing avenues. Namely, collections published monthly…

  • More than meets the eyes…sort of.

    Been falling into that trap of searching for information on the upcoming Transformers Movie from Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg. I’m excited and curious but all I find online are doomsayers, I mean some of the stuff I hear is troubling…(COUGH)Bumblebee(koffkoff!)…but I’m hoping they were smart enough to take some clues from their predecessors (television…

  • Schulz knocked to #3 Spot amongst Deceased.

    For the past 5 or 6 years, Forbes has made it a tradition to score and publish the identities of dead celebrities based on the amounts of fiscal revenue that their respective estates earn. For the last 4 years Charles M. Schulz has ranked as the second largest earner amongst dead celebrities. This year he…

  • Return to Work!

    The last couple of months have proven to be a lot tougher than I would have thought. Graduating from FSU, getting a “real” job, teaching part-time, moving, and everything else have really put a crimper on my creative output. For the past couple weeks though, I have made it a habit to sit down every…

  • Frankly Speaking…

    Alright, my show is down. Michael Gerard and myself hauled it all off this week. Special Thanks to Wayne Vonada at the museum for his patience and help. And as always to Michael Gerard! Now, I feel I can start breaking this stuff down. This work started one night almost a year ago. I had…

  • When it’s all worthwhile.

    I just pulled this monster out of the kiln for the last time. Talk about relief. The initial bisque firing of this strawberry pot revealed some shrink cracks at the bases of some of the cups. I paper-clayed it and refired it. The cracks improved. Then came glazing. Each firing made me anxious because that…

  • So Long, William Johnston!

    So, I’m finishing up here at FSU, and one of my classes this final semester is wheel throwing. Pots, bowls, and a nice commission to throw a strawberry pot. Ok, so I don’t know if “throwing” is the correct way to make a strawberry pot, but that’s how I made mine. 60 pounds of clay,…

  • Civil War?!?

    Image copyright Marvel Comics 2006 Alright, today’s topic is Summer Comics Events Extravaganzas. Our Target: Marvel Comics “Civil War”. This “Event” is officially reaching it’s dirty revisionist claws into almost every title Marvel Comics publishes, either directly or indirectly via a monstrous ad campaign. This is the place to be this summer according to Marvel…